foster + partners: spaceport america - complete

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rendered fly-by view
image courtesy foster + partners, vyonyx ltd

'spaceport america' by foster + partners in new mexico, USA

following up on our previous coverage of the project, here are some images of the completed
'spaceport america' by internationally-recognized firm foster + partners in new mexico, USA.
the first commercial space terminal in the world, the new 11,148 m2 facility will offer
opportunities for tourists to travel into space. a dedication ceremony for the
'virgin galactic gateway to space' was recently held to celebrate the milestone event.


lying low within the desert-like landscape of new mexico, the organic form of the terminal
and hangar rises out of the ground to form an undulating and continuous roof form.
the main entrance is created by a deep channel that cuts into the center of the design.
retaining walls on either side of the approach lines an exhibition space that highlights
the history of space exploration.

exterior view

using local materials and regional construction techniques, the project was a practice
in sustainability, seeking to make a minimal impact on the environment. the dug-in design
benefits from natural thermal mass effect, buffering the building from the extreme climates of
new mexico. a series of skylights enable the interior to be naturally illuminated while
the westerly wind facilitates ventilation.
to read more about the spaceport, click here for our previous coverage of the project.


during dedication ceremony
image courtesy virgin galactic gateway to space
image © mark greenberg

image courtesy virgin galactic gateway to space
image © mark greenberg

aerial view
image © mark greenberg

image courtesy foster + partners

image courtesy foster + partners

image courtesy foster + partners

interior view of spaceport terminal
image courtesy foster + partners


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