Mitch Dobrowner, "the storms hunter"

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Amazing black-and-white shots which depict the dramatic, calm beauty of storms

The majestic fury of a storm, symbol of both human fragility and strengh, has always been considered as sublime. Although many love to observe it, only few braves have had the courage to capture its beauty: among these, Mitch Dobrowner, the "storms hunter".

His amazing black-and-white pictures let appreciate the beauty of storms, despite the disasters they generate.

Dobrowner's photographs are intensly dramatic: big clouds and lightnening make the view extremely powerful. "When taking photographs, time and space seem hard for me to measure. Whenever I shoot a ‘quality’ image, I know it. At those moments things are quiet, seem simple again – and I obtain a respect and reverence for the world that is hard to communicate through words. For me those moments happen when the exterior environment and my interior world combine. Hopefully the images presented help communicate what is visualized during those times", stated the photographer.

His passion for storms was born a long time ago when he was still a child: ever since his job has been to record this world of light and shadow in a magic, indefinite time.

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