The Odd Luminary - Brother Ferrous Warrior Monk

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Do you know about CyberCraft Robots, who enjoy a semisynchronous orbit around our planet in their Orbiting Laboratory? They scrutinize every estate sale, trash heap, bar mitzvah and bingo parlor for Secret Robot parts for their Robots. (This is their mission.)

Meet Brother Ferrous, Warrior Monk, made of seemingly mundane items and reassembled into a marvelous Robot! For many years Ferrous lived and worked alone, pursuing evildoers on Jupiter’s frozen moon Callisto. It was an honorable profession, but as the lone warrior aged he yearned for a life with more meaning.

Eventually, Ferrous took monastic vows with the Brothers of Perpetual Motion. Through mostly peaceful means, these metallic monks seek to unlock the secret of zero-point energy.

Brother Ferrous is 15.5 inches tall and while in the presence of any human, must take the form of a Robot Sculpture. He is a one of a kind piece of fine art and must be treated as such. He is not a toy or an action figure, and there are no movable parts. However, when no human is about, this Robot will continue to assist in the greater mission. So if small, shiny things begin to disappear from your home, do not be alarmed. Simply take pleasure in knowing that you have been harboring Secret Robot Parts, and they have now been returned to their rightful purpose.

There are two ways to recognize a genuine CyberCraft Robot. First, each is identified with a metal nameplate exhibiting the CyberCraft Logo. Second, and most importantly, each CyberCraft Robot bears a Mysterious Symbol, passed down by Robotkind for millennia. In some cases the symbol is prominently displayed. Others will require a bit of searching, but the Symbol is always there.

Due to a quirk of orbital dynamics, CyberCraft Robots ship for free.

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