Piotr Kaczmarek - Leafless Trees

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Just to show you what I am currently working on, I attached a few samples of photographic collages. Though I am using a digital camera, I am not manipulating the photographs beyond what would be possible applying standard darkroom techniques. The physical structure of the collage also reflects the source material: one photo - one piece of paper. I chose the leafless trees as a subject because I was interested in a clear visual representation of a complex structure; starting from the high level of defined spaces between tree canopies, then the obvious organization of branches, and patterns of twigs. I like the drawing-like line qualities of the subject. What the collages are after is to reveal the fractal nature of these organic shapes. The overlaid sequence of images smoothly zooms in from one level to the next and to the next taking advantage of the consistency of the system repeating similar patterns at different levels. To achieve the effect of the viewer being drawn into a set of distinct spaces, I have to start with sizeable pieces allowing the deepest, smallest, layer of the buildup to be big enough to show recognizable detail.

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