Kunstformer der Nature (Ernst Haeckel)

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Ernst Heinrich Phillipp August Haeckel (February 16,1834 - August 9,1919),also written von Haeckel,was an eminent German biologist, naturalist, philosopher, physician, professor and artist who discovered,described and named thousands of new species,mapped a genealogical tree relating life forms,and coined many terms in biology,including anthropogeny, ecology, phylum, phylogeny and the kingdom Protista.Haeckel promoted and popularized Charles Darwin's work in Germany and developed the controversial recapitulation theory ("ontogeny recapitulates phylogeny") claiming that an individual organism biological developement,or ontogeny parallels and summarizes its species' entire evolutionary developement,or phylogeny.
The published artwork of Haeckel includes over 100 detailed,multi-colour illustrations of animals and sea creatures.

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